LEBANON ELK’S LODGE #422                  LEBANON,OHIO ~ FOUNDED 1898

                                                     THE BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS



Lodge & Club Room Facilities

Our lodge is located in historic downtown Lebanon Ohio - The county seat of Warren County. Located halfway between Cincinnati & Dayton - Lebanon is in close proximity to many entertainment opportunities. Warren County has signature golf courses, King’s Island amusement park, & the Great Wolf Lodge, a year round indoor water park. The Golden Lamb is Ohio’s oldest Inn & restaurant and downtown Lebanon is a shopping haven. The Christmas Horse Carriage Parade is held the first Saturday of December every year! Lebanon also hosts several very popular city sponsored music & arts festivals.  

First Floor Club Room

Our main floor Club Room has a long welcoming full service bar, several flat screen televisions, music, dance floor, billiard table, dart board, card room, shuffleboard table and kitchen. Our lodge also has the latest gaming machines for those who like to play “games of chance” - with a portion of the proceeds earmarked for charity. While at the lodge we expect all members & their guest to adhere to the “House Rules”. Members please remember you must be present with your guests when they visit the lodge.

Outdoor Patio

We also have an Outdoor Seating area for members & their guests to enjoy when the weather is accommodating. Drinks purchased at the lodge can be enjoyed on the outdoor patio. This area is available on a first come basis & per state law a “no smoking” area. You must serve yourself and all lodge drinks and glassware (unless served in a DORA cup) must remain inside the fenced area. We also ask that you return your drink ware to the bar and place all trash in the waste receptacles.

DORA Program

Our lodge participates in the Lebanon DORA (Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area) program. This means that drinks can be purchased in a special cup and enjoyed outside of the lodge. If you want a drink to “go” notify the server when ordering and they will present it in the appropriate cup. Drinks must remain within the designated downtown DORA area. Drinks purchased at the lodge can not be taken in to other establishments. This also means that beverages purchased elsewhere can’t be brought in to the lodge. These program rules are dictated by the state and must be adhered to. Please ask your server if you have any questions concerning the DORA program and it’s rules.

The lodge lounge gladly accepts credit & debit cards for your convenience. The lodge also has wi-fi service for members usage.

If you are in for a visit and have any questions regarding our lodge, membership or the area in general - ask a member for assistance.

Lounge Hours

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - Closed

Wednesday & Thursday 5 - 10 PM

Friday & Saturday 5 PM - 11 PM

Closed Sundays & Holidays (Unless otherwise indicated)

Lodge Book Drawings

 Friday Night $1 book ~ Drawn at 9 PM Friday Nights

 Saturday Night $5 book ~ Drawn at 9 PM Saturday Nights

 Fourth Thursday $10 Book ~ Drawn 8 PM Every Fourth Thursday of the Month


You must be a current Elk member to register (dues must be current)

You must sign up for yourself - please don’t sign up for others.

You must be present (at the lodge) at the time of the drawing at 9 PM to win the entire posted amount.

If you are registered - but not present when your number is drawn - you will receive half of the total posted amount.

Winning funds will be available within one week of your name being drawn

You will receive your winnings from the lodge treasurer - Please don’t ask the bartender for cash or credit on winnings

If you are registered and unable to be at the lodge drawing due to an Official Elk event you are considered “present”  

To win the full amount  The event must be an Elk function or a lodge sponsored event held off site

HOUSE RULES Mail: lebanonelks422web@gmail.com?cc=lebanonelks422@gmail.com Lebanon Elks Lodge #422  |  29 East Mulberry St, Lebanon OH 45036  |  513-932-1951  |  web.admin@lebanonelks422.com